Our School

Mission Statement: Develop Minds; Inspire Hearts

Vision Statement: Bear Creek K-8 commits to being a diverse, inclusive environment where all students learn with no barriers or limits and are inspired with a passion and joy for learning. We take pride in our rich history. We build strong personal relationships, partner with parents and community, and provide a safe environment with clear, high expectations for behavior and academic achievement. Our students develop character that includes respect, citizenship, and leadership.
Our 6-8 Middle School Option Program continues this vision by offering an inclusive, small middle school feel. Spanish language immersion classes, interscholastic athletic programs, and a wide variety of elective options encourage middle school students to discover their passions. Learning at Bear Creek K-8 is a unique opportunity for students to experience nine years of continuous growth, challenge, and sense of belonging.

BCK8 Collective Commitments:

  • We provide a safe learning environment.
  • We approach each day with optimism and view challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • We model and teach kindness, empathy, and integrity.
  • We combine proven methods with current research to provide innovative, challenging and meaningful learning.
  • We establish clear, specific academic and behavioral standards for our students.
  • We collectively examine and use assessment data to guide instruction and foster student growth.
  • We strive to meet individual needs to promote student mastery of grade level and content essentials.
  • We provide academic, emotional and behavioral support and strategies.
    We model open communication that is solution oriented.
  • We create a sense of belonging by celebrating and respecting the cultural and intellectual diversity of our community.

ROARS - Bear Creek Students Are…






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